Half-time shows are sponsored by another as well as post-game shows sponsored hosted by a completely different organization 2K MT. It's strangely on-brand feature the NBA video game with the same format, however it's certainly better without.
Most of the on-court improvements and off-court games in NBA 2K22 make for great recreation and fun, with a particular emphasis on the new quests for seasonal play which provide players with plenty of incentive to try the various modes, especially head-tohead matches.
The main drawback is massive size of both hubs. Both The City on current-gen and The Neighborhood (a huge cruise ship) on previous-gen are packed with things to do. Yet, the activities are also stretched over an entirely unnecessarily large area.
Even with the use of a bike or skateboard the players will spend just all of their time exploring The City as they do playing basketball. While both hubs have attractive styles of art but it's something of a waste of time.
The excitement in NBA 2K22 doesn't stop with MyCareer. There are new improvements to MyTeam and the introduction of a badge system which can be used on cards like the badges found in the other 2K modes in order to offer a larger range of lineups and play styles. Also, there are changes in the Unlimited and Limited competitive modes.
A brand new Draft mode, and the revamped mode The 100. These modes, however, aren't well-developed and don't provide some new excitement to the table Buy NBA 2K22 MT. It's also in these models that the microtransactions that are in NBA 2K22 really show.