survey out of the goodness of their hearts. Respondents will want something back for taking the time to complete your survey. Incentives may include exclusive access to your search results, but you may have to resort to old-fashioned bribery. Would you like a $5 Starbucks gift card?Non-completion. Respondents to online surveys do not always answer all survey questions. . Non-response risks increase when respondents are required to type an answer into a text box, questions are confusing or contain grammatical errors, go too deep
into personal information (such as annual income), or there are too many questions in the survey as a whole.Harder to get details or explanations. Most respondents are less willing to type detailed, explanatory answers. For this reason, these so-called open-ended employee email list questions often need to become closed-ended “choose all that apply” questions with predefined categorical answers (see example below). While these question types help avoid a high dropout rate, they do not allow
respondents to use their natural language to answer the question.Which method should you use?Below are some examples of where it would be appropriate to use an IDI or an online survey.In-depth interviewConsider this; you have noticed an increase in demand for a service provided by your company. You want to grow this branch of the business and reinforce your brand message to this target audience. First, you need to use research to establish a baseline understanding of how your customers perceive your brand.Audience Persona: Past clients who have hired my company to address