Worked on my blog whenever I was free to do so. But time has changed. Now I'm pretty sure blogging is a full-time job for me. So it's a must for me to Mexico Phone Number List balance professional and personal life. I have a simple schedule which I Mexico Phone Number List follow to save time for my personal life and hobbies. 1. I deal with many foreign customers and most of them only reply at night. So I get up early in the morning around 4-5 am to have a discussion with them. This is the perfect time to work and you will get a response from them between this time interval. 2. The best part of early morning work is concentration.
You can easily work for 3-4 hours with deep concentration. I work until 8 o'clock in the morning and I can rest from 8 to 10 o'clock. 3. After that, I return to my writing work. The only thing I do in the afternoon is write articles because at that time I rarely get Mexico Phone Number List emails from my clients. The time slot from 10:00 a.M. To 5:00 p.M. Includes extensive study on keyword research and writing. 4. Now I would say my day ends here because after 5pm my only job is to build links for my blog. I hang out with my friends everyday in the evening to feel fresh. Finally, I spend from 9 p.M. To 11 p.M. With my family watching television.
Connections: website | facebook 30. Radhika mundra - expressing life 30-12-radhika-mundra-time management expert-roundup-traffic-crowfor a Mexico Phone Number List Mexico Phone Number List blogger, time management is very crucial because you cannot leave your blog unattended for long. I do my best to follow “blogging before breakfast,” which allows me to write my thoughts quickly and accurately. While managing my studies, I'm barely able to give time to blog, so when I'm relatively free, I write more than one article and plan them for the future. Works like magic! Connections.