Sociolinguistic realities of different countries and geographical environments are extremely varied and complex . Stavans, who has shown a persistent interest in the subject of spanglish and its social character, opposes the idea of conceiving the phenomenon as the destruction or degeneration of one of the two languages involved, seeing it rather as something "much more sophisticated" . German is famous for having a specific word to designate concepts, ideas or feelings. Other languages often lack them, so they have to use an additional phrase or explanation to get to that idea for which there is a very precise word in german.
That is why there are numerous unique words in german. These words are not fixed, let us remember that languages are not static, they are constantly changing. Therefore, it is possible that new words are created day by day, depending on the needs of the speakers. Just whatsapp number list as others can stop being used. To this we must add the propensity of german to form new words through composition - komposita in german -; most of these words will be compound. It is not surprising then that certain terms are untranslatable and therefore unique words in german with respect to other languages.
In general, they are words belonging to the colloquial register. Below we will see some of the most curious, we will explain their meaning and composition. Treppenwitz die treppe (ladder) + der witz (joke). Sometimes it happens that, having an argument or just a conversation, we do not come up with the appropriate comment or argument. However, this usually arrives after the conversation is over: the perfect comment that always comes too late. Schnapsidee der schnaps (schnapps) + die idee (idea). We could translate this word as 'crazy idea' .