District of Taipei City Union Medical College, believes that if the confirmed mortality rate is attributed to DNR, it will cause Taiwan's concept of elderly care and palliative care to go backward by 10 years. He emphasized that "DNR is not a waiver of the treatment statement, but only the first aid statement." Necessary treatment will still be administered, but it will of course be intubated if the airway needs to be intubated.
The DNR must have two specialists determine phone database that the patient has reached the end of his life. Jiang Guanyu believes that even if the communication time between doctors and patients is shortened due to the epidemic, more than two doctors have said that they should consider giving up emergency treatment, indicating that the patient may not be in good condition, or even if he is rescued, the condition is not good.
Hong Ziren, vice president of Shin Kong Hospital, said that DNR is only a process. If we want to discuss the fatality rate of Omicron, we must return to the age and the complete rate of vaccination. He analyzed that the vaccination rate of the elderly in China is not as high as that of New Zealand and South Korea, but the mortality rate is still quite close, showing that the hospital medical treatment and medical care are still worthy of encouragement in saving lives.