If I were a buyer, I wouldn't take action until the benefits of my action outweigh what I think the benefits of continuing to wait for future rewards or better solutions." This brings us back to your solution Solutions build compelling value propositions and rely on value-based levers to force customers to make decisions now, rather than wait. If you think closing now requires additional incentives, make sure to exclude them when "now" ends. Changing your end-of-term motivational habits is a hard but important lesson.
That's why we prefer to use principled negotiation tactics: use only principled concessions (rather than casual ones) that are made for credible business reasons that can be explained to the client. When clients see that you will only make concessions in principle, they will feel more at ease when you decline their next negotiation request because they industry mailing list received a good deal. This creates an environment where clients are less likely to ask for something without a sound business reason, and both parties know there is a reasonable end to the process — and it happens faster.
This strategy and five others are explained in our executive briefing, " Six Actions to Shorten Your Sales Cycle ." Bonus 3: Better (more profitable) relationships Considering how much time we spend negotiating in our lives, we should enjoy the process. This includes you and your potential clients or clients. Fortunately, you can enjoy the process even more if you know what you're doing, what you and your clients are after, and why.