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Forum Posts

May 09, 2023
In Welcome to the Forum
Borja, and what is happiness for you? For me, being happy is a continuous process of improvement, personal and professional satisfaction, helping others and a combination of health, money and love, always thanking and valuing each day of existence feeling at peace. Getting it seems complicated or impossible and something very variable. It is important to maintain a balance and not become so obsessed with the end goal or goal. In this case you can simply search and do things that make you happy . In my case they are dancing bachata, enjoying time with friends, being on the beach, playing soccer, making love, surfing and kitesurfing, receiving messages of thanks for my help. learning new things, generating income automatically, a hug , a massage, a kiss. The more things that make you happy you do, the happier you will feel. Ok Borja, but what does all USA Phone Number List this have to do with Digital Marketing? Basically what I'm looking for with this is that you realize that nothing is black or white. There are always nuances and many ways to achieve a goal. Sometimes, as in this case, it cannot even be achieved because it is a continuous process . But in many other things yes. And it is key to focus on it as much as possible and avoid distractions. In fact, if you've noticed, I've done just that on this page. I have eliminated almost all distractions links, bars, popups so that the objective of subscribing to my Newsletter is more likely to be achieved. But I have also given you knowledge that can help you enormously , and this makes you discover everything I can give you. In addition , I filter people who are not able to get here reading or value the work behind content like this. And it is that I have detected during all these years that Email Marketing is the most profitable and effective Digital Marketing strategy and the one that can help people the most. I admit that it has taken me years to take the step because doing so implies giving up many limiting beliefs . But these types of decisions are the ones that mark a before and after.
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